
Senior Lect.Dr.Eng. Genge Bela |
Assist.Lect.Dr.Eng. Lefkovits Szidonia |
Course slides :
Lab exercices :
LAB 1: working with the console, special characters |
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LAB 2: data types, variables, operators and expressions |
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LAB 3: conditioning operator |
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LAB 4: "IF" instruction |
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LAB 5: Binary computing |
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LAB 6: Repetitive structures: 'for', 'while', 'do-while' |
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LAB 7: Applying repetitive structures in CLR projects |
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LAB 8: Functions |
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LAB 9: Vectors, matrixes |
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Homework exercices:
1. Console functions |
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2. Variables and expressions |
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3. Conditioning operator |
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4. "IF" instruction |
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5. Binary computing |
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6. Repetitive structures |
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7. Applying repetitive structures in CLR projects |
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8. Functions |
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9. Vectors, matrixes |
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Example project for communicating with the parallel port (VC++2005) |
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